UX & UI for Responsible Gambling App

A gambling app I worked on is aiming to solve users’ problems with gambling addiction, by giving them tools to control it.

It allows users to set timers for money and time spent on the game. They can find a professional help of a therapist, or join chats where they can talk about their problems with others. Gambling is a serious issue, that negatively affects people’s lives. Our app allows users to switch gambling into investing and saving money habits.


  • Research
  • UX Design
  • Wireframes

June 2022 (1 week)

The problem

Users of gambling apps often feel like they can’t control their habits.

Users often suffer from higher risks of ending up with debts.

Users are also at a higher risk of stress and anxiety issues.

The Goal

We want to change the way people gamble, by providing them with tools to control their habits.

The new app should allow users to not lose their money.

We want to create a safe space, where users can get a professional help.


User Pain Points

Users feel like they can’t control their gambling habit, often ending up spending more time and money than they wanted to.

High levels of gambling are linked with a 37% increase in mortality for both men and women, younger and older,

Gamblers have a higher risk of unemployment and are very likely to have experienced mental health issues.



  • Age: 22
  • Education: High school diploma
  • Hometown: London
  • Family: married
  • Occupation: cashier

Diana is an online game gambler. She enjoys playing as a way to relax. She often plays at home on her couch or in the bedroom if her husband watches football. She usually plays at night on her phone or tablet. She hopes one day she is going to win a bigger sum and pursue an education.


  • Enjoy time for herself while playing without feeling guilty
  • Not lose as much money on playing
  • Learn ways to control the time and money she spends on her hobby


  • “I feel guilty for spending the money on gambling.”
  • “I don’t win as often as I’d like to.”
  • “I feel like I can’t control myself, but everybody is telling me it’s ok to play if I can still pay my rent.”

Problem Statement

Diana is a woman who is often bored and needs to be in control of time and money spent playing because she would like to save some time and money for education.

User Journey Map

User journey map picture

Digital Wireframes

We decided to go with a dark theme. There is an association between gambling, social isolation and night-time wakefulness. Users are more likely to play at night and dark colors are more pleasant for their eyes.

Homepage, where users pick their game
They play one of the games
If they lose, they can still save their money by spinning the wheel
If the wheel lands in an investment option, the money will be invested
If the wheel lands in the saved option, the money will be saved
In the profile section, users can set their daily limits and control their money
Users can also join chats, including chats about addiction or investing
Users can also find help if they feel like they cant control their habbit

Usability Study

Affinity diagrams

We found that participants

  • felt like there was too much info on invested/donated/saved page
  • missed a button on invested/donated/saved page
  • were confused by the button on a wheel page

Based on this we decided to

  • make the invested/donated/saved page more organised
  • make the button on the invested/donated/saved page more prominent
  • make the button less prominent

We changed the designs accordingly

old designs of the gambling app
Designs of the gambling app
old designs of the gambling app
Designs of the gambling app

Final Designs

Along with the app, a responsive website was created, mainly to map gambling risks, and promote help for gamblers and their families.


To make the app accessible, we made sure, the text is legible and the colors have high contrast. We also use descriptive text along with icons for users who might not be familiar with their meaning.